Katja Tukiainen vs. Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir


1 oktober - 15 januari 2017
Fritt inträde

Ett nordiskt teckningsresidens genomfördes på Teckningsmuseet under hösten 2016. Isländskan Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir och finländskan Katja Tukiainen bodde och arbetade i Laholm under perioden 12 september–2 oktober 2016. Resultatet visas på Teckningsmuseet 1 oktober 2016–15 januari 2017.

Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir arbetar med teckning, måleri, skulptur, animation och böcker. Hennes bildvärld för tankarna till sagor och mystiska varelser. Man möter starka karaktärer och stundtals makabra händelser och berättelser.

Katja Tukiainen arbetar brett med teckning, serier, måleri, skulptur, video och installationer. Ett politiskt, feministiskt perspektiv med ett starkt berättande finns med i hennes konst, med associationer till dockor och flickestetik.

Det händer mycket spännande inom teckningskonsten i Norden just nu. Framförallt i Sverige, Norge och Danmark där teckning blivit ett självklart val av konstform. Serieteckning, illustration, satir och konstteckning är några av de typer av teckning som frodas. Vi har bjudit in en konstnär från Finland och en från Island för att lyfta fram bredden inom teckningskonsten i Norden.

Vi skapar ateljéer i museet där konstnärerna kan arbeta med sin konst samt producera en del av en utställning som kommer att visas i museet. I mötet med konstnärerna och deras skapande får vi en inblick i konstformen generellt. Genom öppna ateljéer bjuds publik och besökare in att studera processen i skapandet.

Residenset genomförs inom ramen för Art Inside Out, som är en institution för professionellt kulturskapande och kulturutveckling som bygger på residens i alla genrer och konstformer. Art Inside Out drivs av de halländska kommunerna och Region Halland tillsammans. Mer information finns på www.artinsideout.se

Teckningsmuseet i Laholm har nordiskt tema 2016. Det innebär ett helt år med utställningar av samtida nordiska konstnärer.

Katja Tukiainen

Born in Pori, Finland in 1969, Katja Tukiainen is an acclaimed visual artist whose works have been included in international exhibitions and public collections. Already in the middle of 1990’s her drawings and paintings turn to pink scale and represented her cute but not harmless girl characters. Since then her girls have appeared not only in her paintings and drawings but also in her murals, sculptures, graphic novels and even tattooed on people’s skin. Tukiainen calls these characters her good-hearted girl army. The members of her army are cute, irreproachable, strong and determined girls who do anything she asks.

Tukiainen started her Master of Arts in Helsinki, but applied and was approved to Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Italy in 1994. While in Venice she was selected for the first time to participate in international group shows. Upon her return to Finland she had her first solo exhibition in 1995. Since then she has shown her works in many countries. Tukiainen has participated in artist-in-residence programs in Italy, New York and Japan. Now she is invited to have a residence period at The Museum of Drawings in Laholm, Sweden in September 2016, followed by an exhibition (together with her co-artist in residence Sigga Bjorg Sigurdardottir) at the same museum.

”In all of my drawings, paintings, installations and sculptures I have the same need. My need is to lead the audience to the world where cute and minor creatures have an opinion and the power. When I am reading daily news I cannot always believe in goodness, but in the world of my art good wins bad 6-0. People say my works are provocative and they speak out, but still they are sensitive. It is more than ok to say that.”

Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir

Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir (born in Reykjavík, Iceland 1977) is a visual artist who lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland. Sigga’s visual language is full of surreal or dark humor, fantasy and childhood nostalgia. Looking beyond such apparent qualities, it is interesting to consider the work on a more realistic level, as it reveals a penetrating analysis of human interaction and emotion. Her intriguing drawings and murals often explore the push and pull of human behaviour and relationships, the desire to both manipulate and be at one with another, as well as the subtleties of feelings such as loneliness, jealousy, love, and fear. Her method of relentless drawing often reveals human behaviour and emotion in their most primitive and wild form, and explores the sometimes quite vague boundaries between human and beast.

Sigga received a MFA from the Glasgow School of Art in 2004 and since then she has exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions around the world. Solo exhibitions include Kling and Bang Gallerí (Reykjavík), Galerie Adler (Frankfurt), Yancey Richardson Gallery (New York) and Clark Galerie (Montréal) with selected group exhibitions including, Gothenburg Art Museum, The Centre For Contemporary Art (Glasgow), National Galleries of Scotland (Edinburgh) and Reykjavík Art Museum. Her work is in international collections including the Zabludowicz Art Trust (London), Nordiska Akvarellmuseet (Skärhamn, Sweden). Kunsthaus Zurich (Switzerland) and Reykjavík Art Museum.

”I like to create a situation between characters that look like people or animals but do not have to be either. They simply exist to demonstrate a situation or a state of mind”.